The Westin Resort Guam i Tamuning

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105, Gun Beach Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-1020
Latitude: 13.517883, Longitude: 144.806663
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Kommentar 5

  • Edgar Dumlao

    Edgar Dumlao


    Classy Lobby with aerial views of the interior rooms. Perfect for sitting at the lobby and enjoying coffee or beer. Restaurant offerings are very good, from Italian to Japanese and their award winning lunch and dinner buffet offering. Rooms are spacious and clean.

  • L Franyie

    L Franyie


    Guam in general is a place I can live my whole life, beautiful, nice people, and this particularly hotel is just dream. Beautiful hotel, costumer services 5 stars. I will never forget that experience.

  • Eric Chuang

    Eric Chuang


    Pro: 1. location is fine, close to town center by around 3-min walk. 2. Generally, service is good. Cons: 1. Our shower room had a leaking problem since day 1 we lived in, and my 1-year-old daughter slipped in the bathroom and hit her head because of this. Until day 5, last night of our stay, the problem was still there and they had checked it 3 times already. Normally hotels should have suggested a room change but not this one. 2. Aged deco and room equipment. We were really looking forward to coming to Westin as our first time to stay in the series, but eventually it turns out that we had more disappointment.

  • Tara Chan

    Tara Chan


    This resort hotel proved to be quite good. Checking in was a breeze, and I enjoyed all the workers I'd encountered in the hotel. The location is nice since it's on the main Tumon strip. The beach is pretty small, so expect it to be crowded during peak season. I really liked my spacious room. Their Heavenly Bed was indeed heavenly. I didn't encounter any high noisy level, so I was able to relax in my room each night I left this hotel as a fan of the Westin brand. If I return to Guam, and I want a luxurious place to stay, I'll return to Westin!

  • Kevin Taitague

    Kevin Taitague


    Had a department luncheon gathering at Taste. Staff and management (didn't get his name) awesome customer service and very helpful. Variety of food and it was Great. Co-workers had the crab but they didn't have enough of the cracker utensils to give more then 1 per table.

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