Tove's Flower Shop i Tamuning

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244, 30A, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-4132
Latitude: 13.4973419, Longitude: 144.7782334
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Kommentar 5

  • sean culp

    sean culp


    I ordered flowers on Mother's Day, they did stay open later than normal hours, but were a little rude and hard to deal with. I feel though on a normal day they are probably quite lovely people and will give them the benefit of the doubt. I would try them again and see if it was any different

  • Jennifer Aguirre

    Jennifer Aguirre


    I stopped by in a rush looking for some fresh flower leis around 11:20am, I was assisted by Bruce who assured me he can complete my request on such short notice. I needes 6 leis for a 12pm work related function. He completed my order in a timely matter and my leis looked wonderful. I thanked him in person but I also wanted to write him this review. Thank you Bruce!

  • Loyo Nauta

    Loyo Nauta


    For all your special occasion needs

  • Franklin Duenas

    Franklin Duenas


    Staff weren't friendly. No one helped us when we came in, they just stared at us. Not worth the hassle. They didn't welcome us when we came in. Worst service ever! My recommendation: FLOWERS BY TAND! Excellent service! The reviews below... are lies.

  • janice shimizu

    janice shimizu


    🖒🖒 Excellent staff, helpful and very knowledgeable. Professional and clean environment. Great service.

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