Ypao Breeze Inn i Tamuning

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291 Ypao rd., Tamuning, 96913
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-8970
Latitude: 13.4959592, Longitude: 144.7895751
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Kommentar 5

  • Ress Albeza

    Ress Albeza


    Nice place

  • Manuia Kensio

    Manuia Kensio


    Great hospitality!! Cold rooms

  • Funtia Mannaky

    Funtia Mannaky


    Great friendly employees 😉😊😊😊

  • SunShine McWane

    SunShine McWane


    Well they advertise WIFI. I stayed there a month. After 1 week they cut off the WIFI and refused to turn it back on. They kept taking away every single priveledge of staying in a hotel, the toilet paper, everything. It was just terrible. One time the electricity went out for like a couple of hours but the hotel staff said I couldn't use candles for light. Just everything, there's nothing really good to say about this hotel other then I guess it's cheap. When we first got there, they gave us a tour of the kitchen, then the next day told us we weren't allowed to use the kitchen? They told us everything in the kitchen was broken. Really? Every single thing in the kitchen is broken? That makes 0 sense. The fridge, the stove, the oven, the microwave, every single thing in the kitchen is broken? The elevators have not worked for like 4 years from what I've been told. They didn't work the whole entire time I was there. If the boss does not want to do the job and doesn't wanna give the customers WIFI I just don't understand why won't he just sell the hotel to someone who will do the job?

  • Joe Eleazar

    Joe Eleazar


    Stayed overnight on a Friday evening, I was not informed by the staff that there was a karaoke singing event in the bar located on the 1st floor of the hotel. The loud noise of the music and karaoke singers kept me awake until around 2am on Saturday. The bath tub where I stayed in has some serious black colored mildew which can cause a health issue to some sensitive people. Also the sink does not have a water flow stopper that can be a problem if someone drop a small item such as ring etc. The pillows are the cheapest kind that I ever used. I paid $80 for something not worth my night stay. Go check in at Wyndham Garden Inn instead.

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