Cup'n Saucer Bakery & Cafe i Hagåtña

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Martyr Street, 96910, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-2585
Latitude: 13.4757215, Longitude: 144.7537351
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Kommentar 5

  • edamantium acda

    edamantium acda


    We really enjoy the vegan smoothie and yogurt smoothie from Cup'n Saucer. They are the best.

  • Kristal Feilen

    Kristal Feilen


    Omg! All their baked goods are made in house. So good!

  • Joseph Cruz

    Joseph Cruz


    Yummy yummy yummy SWEET TREAT & COFFEE... And of course quality time with the wife!

  • Alan C.

    Alan C.


    Their coffee is strong and bitter. Stopped in to try out their new fall stuff and got the Autumn Latte. It was bitter. Maybe they should use a lighter roast espresso instead. The spice had a good amount of cinnamon to cardamom. Their chicken sandwich is so good. It’s available on fridays. Every season there’s usually a different flavor to the sandwich.

  • Jamie Cook

    Jamie Cook


    Cute bakery. Beautiful pastries. And everything I've ever tried has been delicious. Mango turnover is my weakness. Giant cinnamon rolls run out, so you have to get there early. I think the only (relatively) healthy item on the menu is the vegan smoothie - bananas, dates, almonds, and honey (but the dates are so sweet I delete the honey. ) They also serve savory crepes for lunch - I typically order the California crepe (less mayo). Its definitely a stop thats worth the time. And if you have a sweet tooth, this is perfect place to get your fix.

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