Isla Veterinary Clinic i Asan

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222, Marine Corps Drive, 96910, Asan, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-7879
Latitude: 13.47304, Longitude: 144.71745
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Kommentar 5




    Not a fan of this place. I took my pet here to see what was going on with him, he was having some issues, and got a quick review of it from the doc. Went for a follow up when nothing they gave was working, only to spend another big amount for more medication, that did not work. I will be taking him to another place. The clerks in the front were very nice and easy to talk with. Some of the assistants or what have you in the

  • R Eddy

    R Eddy


    I've had a mostly good experience with Isla Vet. One of the only issues I've had included some miscommunication when a temporary doctor was stepping in for a short time. It worked out fine though. Also, the after hours person never responded once during an emergency once. So maybe that was a fluke. I don't know. I have also used Isla to have a vet come out to my house to put down an old, sick dog of mine. I found the doctor very professional and kind during the visit. The way I feel about medical care of any kind is you need to try to educate yourself and work with the staff as a team. That way, if something is being missed or miscommunicated you are keeping yourself and them in the loop. I hope Isla keeps striving to be the best they can be into the future as we need good vets on Guam.

  • Paco gimenez

    Paco gimenez


    Magnífico lugar, me recuerda mucho al hotel de perros de Mario Zaramedo

  • Abram pastore

    Abram pastore


    I really like this place! There kind and really helpful. However, i hate 4 stars as the building is in an odd location. They always go the extra mile to help you. They don't have the best A/C, but for normal shots and -check-ups, you'll spend no more than 30 minutes there.

  • Tara Buchanan

    Tara Buchanan


    They took great care of my kitten when he was sick, they even went the extra mile to make sure he survived the night by taking him home for supportive care. My kitten is now happy and active as ever! Amazing doctor and staff!

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