Island Skin Spa i Tamuning

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285, 30A, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-989-7546
Latitude: 13.4988125, Longitude: 144.776229
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Kommentar 5

  • tina R

    tina R


    Great facial! Nice, comfortable place. Both my daughter and I had a facial and massage; personable, friendly staff

  • Devy Love

    Devy Love


    Pretty nice and clean place. I’ve had 2 things done here in the last month. Wax and facial. Atmosphere is so serene, I would go back for more services.

  • Edward Yandoc

    Edward Yandoc


    Wife and I had a couple’s day. Friendly service good atmosphere. Will definitely return for the massage and facial combo

  • Lauren Glover

    Lauren Glover


    There is no other place on island I would go! Everyone at ISS are welcoming, knowledgeable, professional and help me to leave feeling like a million bucks! Brandy is THE BROW QUEEN and Stacie brought new life to my skin after the BEST FACIAL EVER! You're missing out if you haven't visited this awesome gem! They also sell all my favorite Dermalogica products :)

  • Brandi Brashear

    Brandi Brashear


    Very friendly staff! Walked in and they had a great atmosphere! We got fit in for a couples message on the same day we called so very flexible openings which is perfect!

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