Onward Beach Resort Guam i Tamuning

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Governor Carlos G Camacho Road, 96913, Tamuning, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-647-7777
Hjemmeside: www.onwardguam.com
Latitude: 13.495081, Longitude: 144.775031
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Jones

    Michael Jones


    The hotel overlooks a lovely quiet and calm beach with clear water that is perfect for young children and relaxing and is just next to the more popular beach of Tamuning. The attached water park is a fun way to spend an afternoon. The rooms, while a bit dated, were perfectly suitable for the price.

  • Jacob Ignacio

    Jacob Ignacio


    The most comfortable and relaxing hotel. Very Family-friendly. Also noticed they have a very good Security Team.




    Great place for family. Can enjoy small pool in front of resort all day long. Can enjoy water park during days Can adventure to Alupat island by kayaking Can reach to JP Superstore within 10 minutes by walk and GPO within 25 minutes by walk Not enough restaurants around by walk

  • Mathieu Jobin

    Mathieu Jobin


    Great hotel with water park to bring kids. You can borrow canoe for free for 1hour. 1 free meal per night. You can either redeem at breakfast or lunch. They don’t have good beer. Only miller lite and things like that. The convenience store has more choice. You can bring near the pool but not in water park. The restaurant in the water park is awful. Most prices include tax and tip so it’s not overpriced. Hotel does not have a bar either. Cheers

  • David U

    David U


    Staff in the hotel were very nice. From staff at the front desk, to the cleaning woman, to the security guard near the pool, all were pleasant and generally interested in making sure we had an enjoyable visit. Our room was clean and had the basics + WiFi. We appreciated the larger than usual fridge with separate freezer compartment. Food at the breakfast/lunch buffet was edible but nothing screamed out as a must have or as a specialty of the house. The game room with free ping pong is very nice to have. Just make sure you get a reservation in early or you may have to wait until 11 pm in order to play.

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