Proa Restaurant i Hagåtña

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324, West Soledad Avenue, 96913, Hagåtña, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-477-7762
Latitude: 13.4765451, Longitude: 144.752227
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Kommentar 5

  • Rich Pabalan

    Rich Pabalan


    I received my cremated trio feller and was sat in the hidden corner in a less-than-crowded Proa restaurant. We were sweating since the aircons were facing everywhwre except this forbidden corner. For the price of $22.95 you can get fall-off-the-bone ribs and spare ribs elsewhere. The "bbq" here is rubbery and looks like the chef nodded off and served us cremated cow. You will definitely use your hands because the so-called "bbq" doesn't fall off the bone at a ridiculous price. The place gets my 1 star for having nice wall decorations if you are seated where you can see it. Servers were nice too.

  • Thomas Demonbreun

    Thomas Demonbreun


    Went here with a large group, multiple people were never brought their drinks. The food was not terrible, the flavor was good, but was very over cooked. Cap off the end where it took them over an hour to get us all our checks.

  • Josie Camacho

    Josie Camacho


    Each time I dine here with family, friends, or for business, is a different experience. But have always received great service. There is a bit of a wait for certain menu items. But that is their policy to ensure a better dining experience. (Personal experience... not a paid review)

  • Frances Cruz

    Frances Cruz


    Food and presentation were excellent. Server was always aware of refilling our drinks. Very nice dining experience.

  • Edgar Dumlao

    Edgar Dumlao


    Menu offers a decent selection of food options. The place fills up fairly quickly for dinner, it's good to make reservations ahead of time. Depending on the day perhaps on weekends a ban comes which is very nice they'll makes it hard for you to carry on a conversation. If you come during happy hour I believe 5 to 7 then you can sample some of the happy hour pupus.

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