Verona Resort & Spa i Tamuning

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188 Tumon Bay Road, Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-646-8888
Latitude: 13.502837, Longitude: 144.797047
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Kommentar 5

  • 권오경



    Great view but old room. If you need to stay 1 or 2 days with friends, could be considered.

  • Joe Ingram ok let us on po

    Joe Ingram ok let us on po


    Week ago my family stay here. verona Resort &spa place is unsafe . Someone just walked inside your room a while your sleeping and stole. Your staff. The security camera 100 percent not working. For real guys the verona resort & spa are not safe.

  • Alice Dell'Era

    Alice Dell'Era


    This place should be shut down. Staff is extremely rude. When I was asking for information the receptionist didn't even look up from her phone to answer my questions. No wifi in the rooms. The property looks old and the hallways stink of mold. At some point there was no water for hours and the lady at the reception kept making up excuses as she obviously didn't know how to handle the situation. We had to check out and look for another hotel. We did get refunded but this still affected my trip. Stay away from there if you can.

  • Jeremy Buskirk

    Jeremy Buskirk


    No wifi in the rooms but WiFi in the lobby is good. You can connect for pretty cheap to GUAM WIFI which is an island wide wifi hotspot, as far as I can tell, but I didn't have it in my room either. The pool is small but looks clean. I had a nice ocean view from the 11th floor. Staff was friendly.

  • Keith Parrish

    Keith Parrish


    If you get a room facing the ocean you're in for a great view. While the hotel is nice and comes at an affordable price, it is a bit dated and during my visit both the wifi and the TV weren't functioning. I give it four stars because they have great service and we're at least able to replace the TV with a functioning unit swiftly and stated that they were addressing the wifi issue.

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