Marianas Vet Care i Barrigada

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8, 96913, Barrigada, GU Guam
Kontakter telefon: +1 671-734-6341
Latitude: 13.4701128, Longitude: 144.7998114
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Kommentar 5

  • michelle Voacolo

    michelle Voacolo


    I found a baby kitten and decided to try our Marianas Vetcare as my usual vet, Dr. Malakooti, was off island. It was a Saturday so I figured it would be busy but I walked in willing to wait because the kitten I found was young and visibly sick. After 10 minutes of waiting, a young woman in scrubs- the vet assistant, asked if she could help me. I told her about the kitten and she said there would be a wait. I complied and agreed to wait. This employee then glared at me and made me feel extremely uncomfortable. She then said “you should try to call other clinics.” Confused and shocked I informed her that I had contacted other clinics and again reminded her that I was willing to wait. She then begins to stare me down making me feel uncomfortable yet again. She then says to me “I am going to call other clinics for you.” I immediately said “excuse me?” at this point, the veterinarian came out and asked what she could help me with. I told her about the kitten and she too then informed me that there would be a wait. I (AGAIN) complied and agreed. The vet assistant then says “other clinics have more staff she should just go there”. The veterinarian then told this young and incredibly rude woman to leave the front desk area. Stunned and appalled, I stood there speechless. The veterinarian then begins to say how busy she is and that I would be waiting awhile. At this point, I was aggravated. I informed the vet that I understood that I would wait, I understood that she was busy. At no point did I ever argue waiting. But I did not deserve to be treated as badly as I was by one of her employees. To my surprise, the vet blew me off and said “she’s going through something.” Well, that’s great but aren’t we all? I was kind and understanding before I even got there. I just wanted this kitten to get treated but it was clear to me that this veterinarian and her staff did not want my business. I left this clinic in tears and took my business elsewhere. My kitten was treated by a very nice vet over at Wise Owl and I will never, ever step foot in this clinic again. These people do not care about animals. The employees are cold, callous and immature. The vet does not seem to have a handle on things over there. I worked in the veterinary field for 4 years. I understand the stress. I understand how busy it gets. But I do not understand a boss excusing the poor behavior of her employee because “she’s going through something.” If this young woman can be unkind to me, how is she with the animals? Luckily, I didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Save your money, go anywhere else on island. Literally, anywhere. Anywhere is better than this awful place.

  • Anthony Thacker

    Anthony Thacker


    Poor customer service

  • Stephen Weiss

    Stephen Weiss


    A bit pricey, but professional.

  • kay



    My Cat Loki had been going to marianas vet every since I adopted him. They take excellent care of your fur babies. I was always so happy with how they treated him and me, as an anxious parent. :) Dr. Oshiro is wonderful. And so is her staff!!!

  • Adrian Medina

    Adrian Medina


    Dr. Oshiro provides a personalised and professional experience. The staff are attentive and the place feels like home. My pet feels like a part of the family and every visit is personal. Come here to build a relationship.

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